June 27, 2024

2024 Mid-Year Reset: Real Talk, Real Goals (No 5am Wake-Ups Required)

This isn’t another preachy article telling you to wake up at the crack of dawn, drink lemon water, and go full vegan. Nope, this is about keeping it real. By now, 2024 is halfway through whether you’re ready or not.

Let’s check in with just two questions:

  1. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?
  2. Did you crush them or not quite get there?

Most of us either don’t make resolutions or fall short.

Here’s what we think about that.


New Year's can put a lot of pressure on us, and at Azqira, we’re not fans of that. Why should January 1st be the only time to make changes? Good news: we think any time is a great time to start fresh! So, let’s shake off that pressure and dive in with a relaxed mindset.


At Azqira, we like to talk. How was our weekend? How was our week? Every few weeks, we also like to ask ourselves:

What did we want to achieve? Did we succeed or not? Is it still on our list? What worked, what didn’t, and why? What have we learnt?

We celebrate what we’ve achieved and learn from what didn’t go as planned. Even when something doesn’t go as planned, we always learn something.

Set your course

Imagine a ship in the middle of the ocean. Without a destination, it’ll just drift. But with a goal, it’ll reach its destination eventually.

We believe without goals, we won’t get anywhere. Here’s the tricky part: we always break our goals down into smaller steps so they motivate us, not scare us. We love using productivity planners to keep track of everything.

It’s not about changing everything overnight. It’s like an upgrade on your Mac; you need to do it from time to time.

Brain tricks

Discipline is tough; it can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. So, we have a tip: we stick to a few daily routines no matter what, just to let our brain know: Hey! I’m in control, not you. It can be anything: Patrick goes for a walk in the park to listen to a podcast, Michelle goes for pilates, or Marta does yoga. You decide.

Over time, these small, repetitive steps become habits (Attention! Book recommendations incoming: Atomic Habits by James Clear, Make your bed by William H. McRaven). The brain stops resisting, and then we can add more goals to the routine.

Dream map

This is a fun and, as the name suggests, dreamy thing! You can create a map of your dreams, look at it, and feel that it’s happening as the law of attraction will help you get it.

For example, that’s Marta’s dream map—yep, you see it right—she wants a hotel! She is definitely closer to the hotel industry right now at Azqira and with Spanish, maybe Jana will help her!

And there you have it!

Stay chill, keep it real, move forward step by step, and let’s make the rest of 2024 awesome!